Gallery Sculpture

For outdoor and large scale piece check out the “Public Art” tab

Bound (2022)

Steel Chain, 12’x6’x3’

Contact for pricing

I Don’t See the Point (2022)

Steel Nails, Stainless Steel

Private Collection

A Thought (2019)

Steel, 6’x3’x3’

Private Collection

This work is made entirely of 1/4” steel rod, except for the base. Proportions were modeled after the artist, using tape measure, calipers, and reference photos. The piece is meant to represent the Mind Body problem as exposed in the works of Descartes, namely, how does the nonphysical mind interact with the physical body and senses?

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Tao III (2012)

Copper, Steel

Private Collection

This work is from a series in my undergraduate studies inspired by sections from the Tao Te Ching. This particular piece was inspired by Chapter 23, and was the first one the series to be free standing.

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Cognito (2012)

Aluminum, Bronze, Mirrors

Inquire for Price

This work is meant to portray one’s realization of the cycle of death and rebirth. While the physical body decays (represented by the skull), the immortal soul continues (represented by the lotus). Confronting one’s mortality requires the piercing the illusions of life and shattering them, as represented by the broken mirrors the piece rests upon.